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等级:[初中二年级] 帖子:1992 积分:2372 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2002/11/16 13:58:01
爱的礼物~!  发帖心情 Post By:2004/11/13 21:55:19 [只看该作者]

East meets West in Hong Kong,and from this melting pot comes a brew that has given the SAR its flavour as one of the world''s most exotic cities.   Valentine''s Day is one of those Western innovations taken to heart by reticent Chinese as a date to express their love:not just between lovers, but for family and friends as well.   Its popularity transcends the oft-cited excuse about aggressive marketing campaigns that part consumers with their cash at stores and hotels.Publicity is only one reason,says Patricia Ho,sales and marketing manager of LuxAsia (HK) Ltd." Another reason is that people in Hong Kong are so busy these days that they often don''t have time to spend with their family and loved ones," emphasizes Ms Ho. They need reminders to slow down to the pace of family life and show their care for loved ones." Normally,they wouldn''t have time to think about it." That''s why occasions like Mother''s Day or Father''s Day, and Valentine''s Day have become so significant."   A surge in sales of perfumes and eau-de-colognes is affirmation of the role that special occasions such as Valentine''s Day now have in the Hong Kong way of life.We have (also) found that make-up sets――for men and women――are extremely popular.   But perfume,makeup and skincare are only part of the gift-giving story during Valentine. Flowers and gift baskets are always popular favourites for the day, reveals Julia Ng.   The owner of the Happy Valley-based business points to changing trends in consumer taste. " Customers used to only order roses, but that is changing now," says Ms Ng who adds that, although business is not as rosy as pre-1997 days, Valentine sales are always brisk." I think times have changed," she muses. " Some men get a real kick out of receiving flowers; It makes them feel important and gives them face," says Ms Ng, who sometimes comes up with a special bouquet for her husband on Valentine''s Day.   Both businesswomen,however, note that more men buy presents for their girlfriends, instead of vice versa. " The men are probably afraid their women will get mad if they don''t receive anything," says Ms Ho.   Ms Ng agrees, speaking from first-person experience. " If my husband missed giving me a Valentine''s Day present, I wouldn''t be happy," she says. Ms Ng regularly receives trinkets and other things she can wear from her husband.   However Alice Yau,a programme host with Metro Radio,ATV and Cable Television,won''t feel all cut up if the day slips by now and then without a present from her long-standing boyfriend.It mattered only at the beginning of their courtship,she says. " We''ve been together for so long now that I really don''t mind anymore. Actually he buys me so much stuff at other times.It is like Valentine''s Day all the time.   Insurance agent Benjamin Cheung can''t wait till Mother''s Day to show his appreciation for the first woman in his life. Valentine''s Day, despite its heavy romantic overtones, is not just about love between couples, but also family.   " I make sure that if I buy something for my girlfriend, I always have a little something for my mother as well," he says. " She likes jewellery boxes, so I try to look for an unusual one for her each year." Nothing is too good for the woman who brought him up singlehandedly, he says, and it''s a small way to try and made up for the time he is unable to lavish on her." I want her to know that even when I get married one day,there would always be a special place in my life for her.After all, Valentine''s Day isn''t just for lovers,it''s just an occasion to show someone you love him or her."





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等级:[初中四年级] 帖子:5240 积分:5795 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2004/6/2 22:59:45
  发帖心情 Post By:2004/11/14 5:06:43 [只看该作者]




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等级:[初中二年级] 帖子:1992 积分:2372 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2002/11/16 13:58:01
  发帖心情 Post By:2004/11/14 9:45:19 [只看该作者]

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