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主题:higher than the sun

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higher than the sun  发帖心情 Post By:2010/4/21 15:28:40 [只看该作者]

Higher than the sun
So u just the other day
the sun wide shining
u blue the clouds right away
Attendant looked into my eyes My heart r beating
 The people just pass me by
And I knew I could fly
 Higher than the sun
Shining down over everyone
Higher than the sun
 Makes me feel
Like I just begun
Higher than the sun (The sun~~)
When I know u from my side
I get a crazy feeling
That everything is alright
 Then we walking hand in hand
This city streets they feel like the one the land
come with me we will be [此贴子已经被作者于2010-4-21 15:32:45编辑过]

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